The Library is pleased to announce that we have re-opened our doors to limited, masked browsing and a chance to check out Washington County library books inside the library. We will be open weekly on Tuesday and Friday from 4 to 7 pm and Saturday 9 to noon for browsing, according to safety protocols. We will continue our Saturday morning curbside pick-up day. Here are the key procedures to allow this:
- One family unit will be allowed in at a time, assuming all members feel well and are masked. Browsers will be limited to 15 minutes, unless there is no one waiting to come in, and the time can be extended.
- Patrons who are merely checking out their Washington County requests may come in one at a time while there are browsers since the books and check out computer are right inside the door.
- Library patrons can follow these browsing guidelines and visit on Saturday from 9 am to 12:00 pm. Saturday morning from 10:30-12:00 will remain the only time to pick up curbside book requests, as has been occurring since last May.
All of this is subject to the health of the community and volunteer experiences with the reopening. Keep reading and support the library!!