Using the Library
frequently asked questions
Marine Community Library is staffed entirely by volunteers who are available during library hours to help answer your questions or guide you to a resource for the answer. Below are answers to some common questions.
How do I find out what books, CDs, DVDs, audio books and other items the Marine Community Library has available?
Click on SEARCH OUR CATALOG (on the upper right-hand corner of each website page) to browse the collection, or call the library during open hours. The catalog allows searching for items in a variety of ways, such as by title, author, or subject. The catalog’s Home page lists recently added titles. Also check the RECENT ACQUISITIONS page for more new titles.
Note: The catalog Clipboard feature will simply list items you are browsing, but will NOT reserve them. To reserve items, you must check them out during library hours, call the library, or send an email request to to ask for the items to be held for you. When you sign out of the catalog, your Clipboard list will automatically be emptied.
How do I check out items?
Marine Community Library books and other items can be checked out during library hours using your Marine Community Library card or card number. New cards and your card number (if you forget your card) are available at the main desk.
Interlibrary loan books delivered to the Marine Community Library hold shelf need to be checked out using your Washington County Library card at the county computer located near the main desk in the Marine Community Library.
Free Paperback Exchange shelves are in the Marine Village Hall lobby and in the Scandia Community Center. You are welcome to borrow these books without checking them out. You can also bring in new books to add to the Exchange – please drop them inside the library during open hours. Paperback Exchange books are not sorted or cataloged.
How do I renew or reserve items?
Marine Community Library items can be renewed or reserved in person at the library, or by calling the library; there is no online system for this. Washington County Library books can be renewed at the county computer inside the library or online at the Washington County Library website.
How do I return items?
Marine Community Library items may be returned directly to the library during library hours (preferred) or via the drop slot in the library door when the Village Hall is open but the library is closed. Items may also be returned to the Washington County Library drop box on the north side of the Village Hall. We ask that you return items in a timely manner so that other patrons have access.
Washington County Library items may be returned to the Marine Community Library (either inside or to the drop box outside). Please allow a few extra days for returns to reach their destination.
Paperback Exchange books should be returned to the Exchange shelves. Please do not put Paperback Exchange books in the outside drop box.
Do you have periodicals I can read?
Yes. We have newspapers and magazines. The library obtains magazines from patrons who bring in current issues or who donate subscriptions. To donate a magazine or subscription gift, contact: All donations are tax deductible.
Does Marine Community Library participate in interlibrary loans?
Yes. Residents with Washington County Library cards can borrow library items from Washington County Library, MELSA (Metropolitan Library Service Agency) and MNLINK (Minnesota Library Information Network) systems and have them delivered to Marine. Learn more about the materials from other libraries available through Washington County Library.
When I request an interlibrary loan, where will the item be delivered?
Items can either be delivered to the hold shelf inside the Marine Community Library to be picked up during library hours, or to the outside kiosk lockers on the north side of the Village Hall, which are accessible 24/7. Select the pickup location of either Marine Library Inside or Marine Library Express (outside lockers) when you reserve the item.
When the item is ready for pickup, you will receive a notification from the Washington County Library. If you selected Marine Library Inside as the pickup location, you will receive an email stating that your item is waiting for you on the hold shelf inside. You will need to check out the item using your Washington Country Library card. If you selected Marine Library Express as the pickup location, you will receive an email with information on how to retrieve your item from the kiosk lockers on the north side of the Village Hall. Items delivered to the outside lockers have already been checked out to you by the Washington County Library.
How long do I have to pick up my interlibrary loans?
Items delivered to the hold shelf inside the library (Marine Library Inside) will be available for one week. Items delivered to the outside lockers (Marine Library Express) will be available for three to four days.
Is special assistance available for accessing the library?
We are glad to be of help for patrons who need special assistance with accessing the library. Contact or call 651-433-2820.
How can I donate books or other items to the library?
Thank you for considering donating items to the library!
- Due to our limited space, donations must meet specific criteria – see Book Donation Policy for details.
- Donations for the Paperback Exchange can be dropped off inside the library.
- Financial contributions also are welcome to ensure the future of the library! Go to the DONATE page to learn more.
How can I express concern about library materials?
Every Marine Community Library patron has a right to make recommendations about or question library materials, policies, and services, and to express their views to the Marine Library Association (MarLA) board.
Marine Community Library provides free access to materials in multiple formats to all patrons and supports the right of each user to decide which items are appropriate for their personal use. Marine Community Library endorses the principles of intellectual freedom as expressed in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View statements.
Library patrons who wish to lodge a concern about any of these issues can fill out a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials form. Click here to download the form.
Completed requests may be dropped off at the Marine Community Library, mailed to the library (PO Box 85, Marine on St. Croix, MN 55047), or emailed to the library at
The Marine Library Association board will consider each Request for Reconsideration. The board president will respond in writing to each request. Marine Library Association board decisions about Requests for Reconsideration are final.
No materials in question will be removed from the collection while the reconsideration process is underway.